Privacy Policy

G.K. Monoid (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Policy") regarding the handling of personal information of users (including MONOZIP purchasers, download users, trial version users, and all those who use our website and this service within the scope of our terms of use).

Definition of Personal Information

  1. Personal Information
    "Personal information" refers to the information about a living individual as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act, including the individual's name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions that can identify a specific individual, as well as data related to appearance, fingerprints, and voiceprints, and information that can identify a specific individual from such information alone, such as the insurer number of a health insurance card (personal identification information).

Handling of Personal Information

The Company collects users' personal information in connection with transactions. The handling of such personal information shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act, as stated below:

  1. Personal information shall be obtained, used, and provided within the necessary scope for the Company's business activities. The Company shall, as a principle, take measures to handle personal information beyond the scope necessary for business purposes only with the prior consent of the individual concerned and shall implement measures for that purpose.
  2. The Company shall comply with laws and regulations, government guidelines, and other norms related to the handling of personal information.
  3. The Company shall take reasonable measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of the personal information it holds and implement necessary corrective measures.
  4. The Company shall continuously review and improve its efforts concerning the protection of personal information.

Our Basic Stance on Handling Personal Information

The Company declares its privacy policy in this document and establishes this Policy to ensure its implementation. We will inform and thoroughly disseminate this Policy to our employees (including officers, employees, part-time workers, temporary staff, etc.) and other relevant parties, and strive to improve and maintain it. When collecting personal information, we will use lawful and fair means and fulfill our obligation to explain in advance to the individuals providing their personal information about the voluntary nature of such provision and the inconveniences that may arise if they choose not to provide the information.

Methods of Collecting and Using Personal Information by Our Company

When using MONOZIP products and services, we may collect and use two types of personal information as follows:

  1. To provide the basic functions of MONOZIP products and services and comply with laws, regulations, and other legal requirements, we collect users' personal information. If the provision of such information is refused, it may affect the normal use of the products or services.
  2. To provide additional features of MONOZIP products and services, we may collect additional personal information separately. If the provision of such information is refused, it will not affect the use of basic functions, but it may prevent the proper use of related additional features or cause them to not function as intended.

Outsourcing of Personal Information Handling

In order to achieve the purposes specified in "Personal Information Handled by Our Company and Purpose of Use," we may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information.

We will select service providers who can implement security measures for the transferred data at the same level as our company and only provide them with the personal information necessary for the outsourcing. Additionally, we will conclude contracts on personal information protection with the outsourcing partners and conduct regular inspections and supervision.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Except for the following cases, we will not provide personal information held by our company to third parties, unless permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.

  1. When there is consent from the user themselves
  2. When based on various laws and regulations
  3. When it is necessary to provide information to the provider of map information or facility information in response to requests for modification or deletion of map information or facility information included in the services provided by our company
  4. When it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual themselves and it is necessary to protect human life, body, or property
  5. When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of sound upbringing of children and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual themselves
  6. When cooperation is necessary for national institutions, local governments, or their delegates to perform tasks prescribed by laws and obtaining consent from the individual may hinder the performance of such tasks
  7. When the following conditions are met, we have given prior notice or made an announcement, and have reported to the Personal Information Protection Commission:
  8. When it is necessary to outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  9. When personal information is provided as a result of business succession due to merger or other reasons
  10. When personal information is jointly used with specific individuals, we will notify the individuals in advance of the purpose of joint use, the items of personal information to be jointly used, the range of parties to be jointly used, the purposes of use of the parties, and the name or designation of the person responsible for the management of the personal information, or make it easily accessible to the individuals.

Additionally, we may provide third-party access to anonymized and randomized personal information collected from users as "statistical information."

Personal Information Handled by Our Company and Purpose of Use

(1) Registration, Login, and Account Management Services for Member Accounts
  1. Basic Member Services

    1. When using a general MONOZIP account (hereinafter referred to as "Primary User") to register and log in to MONOZIP products and services, we collect information such as account name, password, email address, mobile phone number, payment information (including bank transfer, credit card information, QR code payment, and other various payment methods using the internet), and any other information entered on the "sign up" screen.

      1. We may also use this information when restoring account information in case of account loss or forgotten password.
      2. The acquisition of the above information also applies when a third party who is not registered in the Primary User's account information logs in using the Primary User's account (hereinafter referred to as "Secondary User").
    2. When registering and logging in to an account by linking various internet service accounts other than MONOZIP, with the permission of the Primary User, we acquire information registered in the third-party account (account name, profile picture, email address) and register it as account information.
(2) Customer Service and Dispute Resolution
  1. When making inquiries about issues related to MONOZIP products and services, providing after-sales service, or applying for complaints, accusations, or dispute resolution, we may request necessary personal information (such as name, account name, profile picture, password, email address, and mobile phone number) to ensure the security of the account and system. We may use these pieces of information to verify the identity of the user and refer to account information, order information, or service record information to resolve the issue.
  2. We may store communication/call records with users and related content (in addition to the information defined in (2)(1), including account information, order information, information provided to substantiate related facts, and contact information) to promptly resolve issues and record the handling methods and results of related problems. These actions may be outsourced to third parties.
  3. If reasonably necessary for the provision and improvement of services, our company (or a third party if outsourced) may contact users using the associated mobile phone number, etc., when registering, logging in, or using MONOZIP products and services. Additionally, we may use various information identifiable from user information, such as activity records of MONOZIP products and services, information provided during contact with customer support, and information submitted as survey responses.
(3) Scope of Information Disclosure and Handling of Feedback Provided by Users

You have the option to provide feedback to us regarding updates on data, errors, or issues related to MONOZIP products and services. Through the feedback function, you can report additional address information, address errors, road blockages, traffic information, and more. In cases where necessary issues arise from the feedback, we may request user responses through surveys or other means. We review the feedback information and collect feedback records (the specific feedback information varies depending on the type of feedback, which may include image information, audio information, location information, phone numbers, etc.) and various service log information for the purpose of reviewing and improving the quality of our products and services. Please note that if you have granted permission for location information for the camera or photo function on your mobile phone, the uploaded image information may include location information. For instructions on how to disable the location information providing function on your mobile phone, please contact your mobile phone manufacturer.

Safety Measures for Personal Information Held by Our Company

  1. Our company takes reasonable security measures and necessary corrective actions to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, and other risks associated with personal information.

    1. Personnel Measures

      1. Matters regarding the confidentiality of personal data are stated in the employment rules.
      2. We regularly provide education to employees regarding the handling of personal information.
      3. We ensure that this Privacy Policy is shared with all MONOZIP team members and confirm their understanding before their participation in projects.
    2. Physical Measures

      1. We have established rules for the transportation and transmission of media to prevent theft and leakage, and we operate accordingly.
      2. Access rights are set on an employee basis, and access control is implemented according to the granted permissions.
    3. Technical Measures

      1. We conduct regular vulnerability assessments and implement vulnerability responses.
      2. We employ encryption for communication and network segregation measures.
      3. We define the necessary access rights within the scope of business requirements, ensuring that unauthorized individuals cannot access the information.
    4. Cross-border Transfer of Personal Data

      1. The storage location for personal data held by our company, including entrusted data, is limited to Japan.
  2. Collection of Personal Information from the Website

    1. Encryption

      When collecting personal information from our website, we implement measures such as encryption (SSL communication) to securely transmit the information.

    2. Cookies

      Our website may use cookies. Cookies refer to the information exchanged between users' various communication devices and the web browser used on the devices when interacting with websites. We use cookies solely to remember information when users revisit our website and to optimize their website experience. If users do not wish to use cookies, they can disable cookie usage through their browser settings. However, please note that disabling cookies may result in some services being unavailable.

    3. Google Analytics

      Our website may use Google Analytics for the analysis and improvement of visited sites. When using Google Analytics on a website, certain information, such as the IP address and URL of the viewed page, may be automatically transmitted from the web browser to Google, and Google may set cookies in the web browser or read existing cookies. By using our website, users are considered to have granted permission for the use of cookies.

    4. Links to Other Websites

      While our website may contain links to other websites, we are not responsible for the handling of personal information on websites other than our own.

Disclosure of Held Personal Data, Complaints, and Consultations

Regarding personal information held by our company, we accept requests from individuals or their representatives for notifications of purpose of use, disclosure, disclosure of records of third-party provision, correction, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure requests"). For details on the procedures for disclosure requests, please contact the following contact information. We also accept inquiries, complaints, and consultations regarding personal information.